So many of us are overwhelmed by our workload, we turn up for meetings but have not done the work, we do not concentrate because we are trying to get through our emails whilst attending online meetings, we are struggling to make a connection with people because we do not have the time to really listen to what they have to tell us.
In this webinar, I am going to provide you with prioritisation techniques that help you make the time to nudge, encourage and motivate your stakeholders to change how they work. These techniques are useful for anyone who is busy at work, but we can use them specifically to break our change into small tasks, and enjoy the motivation of achieving each task, as well as feeling less stressed by the amount we have to do.
We will review the agile concepts relating to time, use the Roadmap agile, iterative planning technique and work through some brain short cuts for managing our time.
Join me for this practical, helpful stress busting session, which I promise you will build your resilience for coping with an ever-expanding workload.