In-house training Courses

I provide in-house training courses and events for businesses in the UK at all levels within your organisation:

  • Senior executives – appreciate that I am a former chief executive and will pitch the material at their level.
  • Managers and staff – find my energy and enthusiasm engaging, but are reassured by my empathy for the challenges they face in balancing business as usual and change initiatives.
  • Project, programme and change professionals – reassured and inspired by the depth of research and variety of sources that underpins my work. 

Why Choose In-House Training?

I need to train members of my team. When should I book them on an open course and when should I book an in-house course?

The basic rule of thumb is that if you have fewer than 8 people to train, it does not make economic sense to hire me exclusively for your small group. Your team will benefit from attending an open course where they can book a date that suits them as my virtual classroom courses are run every month. You also have the advantage of not tying up every member of your team on a course with no-one available for business as usual! Feedback from team members who take this approach is that they really value networking with people from other industries, organisations and countries. It widens the range of examples and experiences that we use as the basis of our learning.

If you do have a big group to train, creating an exclusive event, where I am your dedicated trainer works well, as I can tailor the examples used to be relevant to you and your colleagues. The course can act as part training and part consultancy as you can all pose questions about your current change initiatives and I can give advice and ideas for overcoming your challenges.

Book your In-House Training


Contact Melanie and arrange a brief call to find out more about Training for you or your team.