As I continue to build my knowledge, I read articles and look at what is being offered to try to understand which aspects of AI will become mainstream.
Using LinkedIn Learning
As LinkedIn has such a big global reach, I was interested to find that their learning platform, Linkedin Learning is now using an AI front end whenever someone is looking for training.
Of course, I tried it out when searching for change management courses, as I like to know what is happening in my professional discipline – by the way, if you want more on this, have a look at this paper on online tools for building capability for change.
My learning from experimenting with the LinkedIn Learning platform was the realisation that if we want intelligent answers, we need to give artificial intelligence the intelligence to play back to us!
Anything which personalises results will require accurate personal data to be useful. We have to make the decision how much about ourselves we share. For example; to get the most out of these course recommendations, and save the time that AI keeps promising us it offers, I need to take time to update my profile with as many useful key words as possible so that the learning algorithm can find what I need. I could do this by keeping my list of past courses and certifications up to date, otherwise it will duplicate areas I have already studied.
What are your views about how this works and how much data about yourself you wish to share? For more articles like this, sign up to my newsletter where I regularly share links to useful content.