If you invest in training or when you take yourself out of the organisation to go and learn at a conference or an exhibition, you want to get the most value from your time. Your organisation wants to get the most value from the cost of you not being at your desk.
Use my slide pack as the template for a short presentation you can give to your team and other colleagues after an event, webinar, training course or conference where you have learned something that you think others will benefit from knowing.
Enter your email address to download my slide pack:
This is a great way of enhancing the value from your own learning, for your benefit and for increasing the “corporate memory” of your organisation.
Capturing your learning by descibing new information, new techniques and new examples is a way of embedding it in your own mind.
It gives you a chance to reflect on what you’ve heard and seen and to identify similarities and differences with what you already know and do.
A powerful way to embed learning is to try and explain it to others. This is for three reasons:
1. To explain your learning you have to order your thoughts. This challenges you to identify the starting point and the end point, and the logical sequence of events in between. Doing this provokes new ideas and new perspectives.
2. Creating your presentation means you have to review what you learnt, reading and rehearsing what you are going to say, which helps you remember it.
3. Presenting the information to others gives you the opportunity to hear their ideas and to answer their questions which deepens your understanding.
Another advantage of sharing what you have learnt is that it increases the chances that you will be able to apply it to your work. This is because if others understand what you are doing and where your idea originated from they are far less likely to block it.
This is because new ways of working often involve an unspoken “group permission”. To get this permission to adopt a new behaviour, others have to understand why you are changing, what triggered your idea and what benefit it will bring. Using this short presentation to share your insight reduces any resistance to your changes, and can even trigger ideas for change in their minds.