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Agile Change Management

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Where does the responsibility for change sit?

  May 24, 2023
  17:30 - 18:30 BST


About this event

Tonight we will consider where the responsibility for change sits. Is it with senior leadership, project teams, line managers etc.

Where the responsibility for change sits has evolved as we have matured as a profession. Leading to the need for us to build more strategic partnerships and grow awareness of what we can contribute across the organisation which leads us into building capability and capacity across the organisation .

Our discussion will focus on where that responsibility should sit and how that is changing.

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Change Champions Event – Agile Change Management

  November 21, 2024
  12:00 - 13:00 GMT


About this event

Mel Franklin from Agile Change Management is back for another input into change management. For those that have not yet heard Mel speak on Change we highly recommend this session, she is truly a leading commentator on Business Change practices. You will be inspired!

Using neuroscience to super-charge our relationship building and stakeholder engagement

The outline agenda is as follows:

  1. Why we need to jumpstart our engagement – sharing latest statistics on volumes of change and how any message we want to deliver is diluted by the high number of messages from other changes, projects and programmes
  2. Brain views change as a threat so we are keen to deny or ignore the change, and how we can move the brain towards reward and away from threat
  3. Relevance of neuroscience to engagement – how brain-smart content triggers immediate reactions
  4. Practical techniques for engagement, using an understanding of how the brain reacts to information and how it takes decisions, increasing the probability our messages will be heard

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