Reward strategy

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To maintain resilience, it is important to have a framework of positive reinforcement. This means that when we do keep going, even though we want to give up, we experience a reward. The pleasure from the reward creates the desire for more rewards, which motivates us to keep going the next time we hit a problem.

Alongside the overall resilience strategy, we should create a rewards strategy so that we can identify the resources required and allocate responsibilities for issuing the rewards.

Reward Strategy Template


This strategy identifies the celebrations and rewards that reinforce the achievements of staff implementing and adopting change. These rewards must be identified in advance to ensure there are sufficient resources to provide them and that they adhere to the HR policies of our organisation.

Rewards are an essential element of motivation, as they encourage people to repeat behaviours through positive encouragement of their actions.

Types of rewards

1.            Organisational rewards

These are formal rewards originating from performance management. Depending on the culture of your organisation, these might include a one-off bonus payment, a congratulatory note on your employment record, a salary increase or greater authority over your work.

2.            Team-level rewards

These are the rewards that teams provide to their members. These might be acknowledgements of achievements in team meetings, small social events to celebrate with colleagues or the opportunity to share your experiences and mentor others through the same process.

3.            Individual rewards

These are the rewards we encourage each other to apply at the point of achievement. For example, it might be taking a short break from work or sharing your achievement with a close colleague.