How Will AI Affect How We Work?

We all know AI is growing – it’s everywhere. In this insight, we will consider how AI will affect how we work and what we can do about it.  

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We all know AI is growing – it’s everywhere. In this insight, we will consider how AI will affect how we work and what we can do about it.

How we consider AI within business

I attended an amazing masterclass about AI this week. It triggered so many ideas that it took me an hour to write them all down. I have put time in my schedule over the next week to complete the actions, many of which are experiments to learn more.

One thing struck me, though, when the presenters were talking about the four different categories of reaction to AI:

  1. This is hype, and it will go away
  2. I have tried it, but I am not getting useful results
  3. This has potential
  4. This is going to be big and will change the world

Of course, none of us really know what is going to happen, but over the last couple of months, I have been moving towards category 4. However, part of my role as CEO of Capability for Change is to explain my thinking so others can understand why I feel as I do, what my sources of information are, and what experiences I have had.

Techniques for Predicting How AI will affect how we work

This made me realise that a technique I use in some of my workshops will be increasingly useful when considering how AI will affect our work.

Many of you have heard of the As Is and To Be model – where we describe how we work now and what we believe the impact of change will be in the future. I have adapted this approach to include the immediate shift we need to make and columns to help us consider how the future might evolve over the next few years. I find it helps to imagine how things might grow and develop. Things that we can use a little of right now might become normal in a few years or be replaced by something else entirely. It is all guesswork, but the value is in taking the time to guess and share your ideas with others.

How is AI affecting how we work?

There are several ways in which AI is affecting how we work. For example, the quality of avatars is improving at an exponential rate. An avatar software programme I was using only last summer now looks so out of date. In the next few weeks, expressive avatars are going to launch, with very life like facial movements in aligned to the emotions of the words being spoken.

Try and fill in this table to discover how you think AI is going to affect how you work, and identify whether you are a category 1, 2, 3 or 4 in your views about the future of AI.