Do you know how to cope with all the digital change taking place in your organisation? Do you know what questions to ask, and how to plan what activities you need to do to adopt a ‘digital mindset’? Your best option is to build your digital leadership skills.
In this article, I share my learning from the Digital Leadership Master Class, developed by Mel Ross, an expert c-suite coach in digital transformation and leadership skills. In this master class she shares her coaching talent with all of us, helping us to think differently about digital transformation.
About the Digital Leadership Master Class from Mel Ross
Without sounding arrogant, it is not often I have an amazing training experience. As thought-leader in change and transformation I am asked for ideas and solutions, but I don’t find that many credible experts worth listening to.
Studying the digital leadership master class became my secret pleasure. I carved out 30 minutes at the end of each day to listen to Mel, view her techniques and models and then I think about how they apply to my work overnight. My evening dog walks this month have been dominated by how I now see the world, thanks to the questions that Mel asks in her master class.
Digital Leadership Tools
One of the most impactful things I have taken away from this master class is a new perspective on types of digital changes. Viewing the innovations I constantly hear about as either a trend or an inevitability, and how each of these categories needs to be treated differently is so helpful. Using the FutureTech Matrix™ I feel as if I am back in control of what to do as I can critically evaluate the relevance of the latest technology launch, and how much time and effort I need to put into understanding it and preparing for it.
The Digital Native Assessment was another powerful tool, a great coaching activity that made me ask difficult questions about my view of the world, my own fears about my lack of understanding and gave me a focus for the rest of the master class.
The practical help in how to visualise an uncertain and ever changing future was really helpful, it gave me a series of steps to perform to get me into the right frame of mind, moving away from my To Do list into a more reflection mood.
The Digital Ecosystem Checklist was so clearly structured, and gave me a comprehensive set of options to trigger my own ideas. It was simple to complete and gave me so many ideas about the gaps that exist in my use of technology, and helped me identify those gaps that will be most helpful to fill right now and others that are less valuable.
I haven’t just gone through this master class once, I keep returning to the matrices, the checklists and the guidance notes. I use some of these in preparation for meetings I have with my technology team, and others to coach teams in what to actions they can take.
I feel as if my knowledge of my own digital awareness and understanding of what I know and what I need to find out has been thoroughly assessed. This has given me a solid foundation for moving forward in this constantly changing world. I can use this knowledge, and all the tools the digital leadership master class provided, to help others.
Accessing the Digital Leadership Master Class
If you feel that technology changes and digital transformation is driving you, and you want to feel more in control, and be able to ask questions and take part in discussions with confidence, this is the master class for you.
To get your copy of this master class, you can buy direct from here, or it comes as part of your ChangeabilityPro® membership. For a walk through of what ChangeabilityPro® can offer you and to talk with me about your career ambitions, book a session here.