Change Capability Community: The Supportive Environment Available in the Change Community

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After talking to so many of you who are new to change, I wanted to use this blog to highlight the supportive environment available in the change community. 

Why a Supportive Environment Available in the Change Community is Important

Change can be a hard job because we must absorb the stress and anxiety of those who have to adopt new ways of working.

It can also be a lonely role because there may be only a few of you responsible for change in your area, and you are trying to balance your change responsibilities on top of your existing work—which creates pressure that sets you apart from your colleagues.

Utilising the Change Capability Community

If you want reassurance that you are not alone, join the Change Capability Community. This group is a brilliant supportive environment available within the change community. We share resources and ideas on LinkedIn in our on-going chats. We also hold virtual networking and discussion events every month, so you can connect with others and share your experiences.

If you want more support, join the fortnightly free virtual coaching sessions. I get put in the hot seat, you ask the questions and share your challenges, and I find practical, simple solutions for you to try.

There are lots of webinars and podcasts from change professionals giving you different perspectives and are great sources of ideas – here are some of my favourites:

Whatever you do, do something! There is so much support, if you have a problem, there are many sources of ideas. Every problem you solve becomes your story of resilience and problem-solving, so don’t forget to capture it on your profile so you have stories to share in your next performance review or job interview. Join one of the best supporting environments available in the change community today!