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Build your Change Network Masterclass Summary

Networks of change agents and champions are needed to drive the changes we are making through every role and every layer of our organisations. My guidance on building Change Networks is so popular we have brought together the steps needed to create your network, the criteria for effective change agents/champions and lessons learned on how to find and manage these agents into this masterclass.

  • Consider your context and the culture you work within to create the most relevant structure and scope
  • Understand the scale of the work involved in building and running your Change Network
  • Identify and create an ordered task list of the work you need to do
  • Confidently explain the value of your network to those doing the work and those supporting the work
  • Energise individuals to volunteer to become Change Agents

Get a digital badge in this important and in demand element of change leadership

Learn from the best – I have created many networks, and you are benefiting from my real-world experience of what works and what makes the most difference

Work smart – don’t reinvent structures and techniques that already exist

Ensure your approach is comprehensive – I haven’t left anything out, it is all here to get you up and running immediately

Feel confident and in control – you know what to do and how to do it

Increase your productivity – all the steps have been defined for you, so you can get on with building your network

  • Change Managers, Heads of Change Management, Transformation Managers responsible for Change Agents; Change Champions and the Change Network for single or multiple changes
  • Managers and team leaders who are asked to nominate team members to become Change Agents/Change Champions
  • Change Agents/Change Champions – team members who have taken on additional responsibilities for communicating change to colleagues and helping them to change how they work
  • Trainers and coaches looking for activities and techniques they can use to support people experiencing change at work

Online training brought to you by ChangeabilityPro®


Course Trainer

Melanie Franklin- Agile Change Management Trainer

Melanie Franklin

Melanie has a unique profile as she delivers high impact training alongside her active Consulting and leadership roles. This ensures that each course is delivered with passion, energy and focus that only a true practising professional can offer.

By incorporating latest innovations and practical techniques to the accredited qualifications, delegates obtain both a qualification as well as technical skills that enable immediate use of the learning in an operational environment.

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