Case Study
Designing portfolio management processes

This organisation is European subsidiary of a multi-billion dollar US based financial services organisation. His concern was that as a result of Brexit, GDPR and financial regulations, his organisation has high volumes of strategically important change to deliver, but not necessarily the controls in place to track the progress of this change.
Many departments and teams were struggling to balance customer facing business with implementing change, and that the only changes that there were able to address were mandatory, leaving no time for innovation and service improvement initiatives.

I interviewed all senior and middle managers in each of the European offices to establish the current level of change taking place. This enabled me to create a complete picture and provide the ‘single voice’ that the CEO and board needed to make effective prioritisation decisions.
I established a streamlined governance process for initiative evaluation and authorisation, developing transparent evaluation criteria for initial agreement to an initiative, and further criterion to establish when to implement it.
I developed a change management approach, to be used by all European offices. It defined the key tasks that move the change through phases from initial idea, definition of new ways of working and implementation of these new ways of working to enable more accurate sizing of the effort involved for each initiative. This common approach enabled me to establish measures to track progress and report on the probability of expected benefits being realized.

An increase in the focus of how changes are contributing to strategic direction, enabling senior managers to assess the change strategically rather than tactically, so that they could more easily suspend or terminate initiatives that not likely to deliver strategic benefits.

Inspiring coaching that builds confidence and careers
Maria Keshina
Head of Broadcast operations