Agile Change Agent – Free taster session!

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We are excited to be able to share with you the footage from the free Agile Change Agent Taster session!

Choosing the right certification to boost your personal value It’s tough to decide which training and certification to invest in and to be sure it will add real value to your role and your CV.

Melanie Franklin, Chief Examiner of the Agile Change Agent course will provide a free taster session in this webinar to help you decide whether this course is for you.

What is included in the Agile Change Agent course ?

I will summarise the 5 sections of the course and how they align with each other, enabling you to develop a simple, intuitive plan for incremental change that everyone involved in your change initiative can easily follow.

How is the course taught ?

I will explain how you learn from doing, as this course has a high proportion of activities, as you practice each technique, share your learning and your perspectives with others and draw new conclusions and insights, using the techniques, tips, checklists and questionnaires from the Agile Change Management text book that is provided as part of the course materials.

What are the key things that I will be able to do as a result of attending the course ?

I will highlight techniques that enable you to prioritise your actions and identify those that make the greatest positive difference to what you are trying to achieve.

What are others saying about the course ?

The feedback has been amazing, and I will share the lessons learned and the benefits of the training from the hundreds that have taken the course during lock down.